Sunday, February 1, 2009

Read Isaiah 55:1-13
The middle and end of winter are always the hardest because summer is long gone and we are just getting ready to embrace the one coming. With all the computer issues and long days I let these devotions and my intentions of being in stronger connection with all of you fall by the way. I had the pleasure of going on vacation with my beloved wife and beautiful daughter. It was a time of renewal and revival in my soul. It was a time to embrace the gift God has given me in my family and to evaluate where he has been in my life. At the end of vacation Su and Lia returned to Iowa and I met Chris and Tiffany at the national camp leaders meeting in California. It is in a beautiful Redwood Forest and has started my excitement afresh and refocused me on the priorities I found anew during vacation.
Have you ever been thirsty? Why were you thirsty? Have you ever been spiritually thirsty?

Look at verse two, how does that verse speak to you? What things does it make you think are excess in your life? What things should you be worrying about buying?

When you have been in times of spiritual thirst who or what brought that thirst to your attention?

What do you think it means to seek the Lord in verses 6 and 7?

As I write this it seems similar to one I wrote in December and the lessons I am relearning are the same. Why do I repeat the pattern of quenching my thirst and then running from the well refusing to drink again until I forget how refreshing and cooling the water is? Why does God have to smack me over the head time and time again so I will remember to immerse myself in his loving flood?

I know the answers to those questions because I have answered them repeatedly throughout my life. It is because of me. I keep getting in God’s way and making my priorities most important and I forget the call I feel in times of thirst. I revert back to pride and self-reliance forgetting my heritage in Adam and Eve and the necessity of Christ. Then I go to a beautiful place with beautiful people and I am reminded of God’s blessings and presence.
Prayer: God thank you for giving us thirst and for the yearning we have for you. Please help us to dip our empty cups in the following love you send forth, that we might be quenched and know your love. AMEN

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